Being in this profession for over 10 years and providing pet concierge services to many clients in and around Colombo and Galle, it has been quite a challenge to find many owned pets, often dogs, are overweight or sometimes quite obese. Visiting the vet, I have encountered many dogs, that are in the same category.
Yes, I can understand that this is sometimes a sensitive subject with the owners, but the reality is that a dog being overweight means, its life will be undoubtably shortened and its health most definitely compromised.
A dog being overweight is often accepted by some pet owners as normal… “oh poor thing, it is so hungry, how can we feed him a few grams a day”. “Oh look he wants more” or “Sin aney, look at that pleading face” I have come across households that feed medium dogs breeds, over 1.5 kilos of food a day. And majority of that food containing rice. SHOCKING! This is a recipe for disaster.
Most feeding guidelines are online by breed/age and you can improvise your meal plans to fit the requirement, even if you don’t feed them dry food often recommended by the west. Dogs are carnivores, they need a lot of protein and some vegetables, they don’t need much grain or carbs.
Key signs of your pet being overweight –
- No distinct Waistline if you check your dog out from above
- You cannot feel your dog’s ribs – it should be easily felt, not buried under layers
- Weighing scale indicates it above the acceptable weight for the breed/size
- The collar is getting tighter – adjusting the collar or buying bigger collars
- Breathing is laboured – Panting after the shortest walk, or movement.
- Mobility issues – struggles to get up from lying down position, limps when they get up
- Not keen on physical activity – stops no sooner you start a walk or play fetch
- You (pet owners) are in denial – not keen to accept comments from your vet, friends or others about your pet being overweight
There can be many reasons for pets being overweight –
- Over Feeding
- Lack of Exercise
- Age
- Genetic Disposition
- Medical conditions or Diseases
From all of the above, I would like to focus on OVERFEEDING !
We become pet owners because we love to have them enhance our lives and bring us complete and unconditional love. We will love and protect them, keep them healthy and happy at all costs. Sometimes we rescue them from terrible trauma, and we want to ensure they feel safe and loved. But …. We must not love them to the point where we over feed them !!!!
Often, I see in our lifestyles of bringing up a dog, or any pet, we tend to overfeed them. Some may do it due to ignorance or and some pet owners can be unaware, as their support staff is responsible for the task of feeding their pet.
So I urge our pet owners, overweight or not, please do not OVERFEED your pets. BECOME AWARE !
Understand the consequences that will be ahead.
Obesity can bring
- SHORTER Life Span – early death
- Urinary track disorders – Urine infections, stones etc ?
- Osteoarthritis – brittle bones due to carrying a lot of weight for many years
- Cancer – many forms of cancer
- Heart Disease – heart attacks, strokes, high cholesterol
- Mobility issues – Inability to get up on their own, cannot walk, hip dysplasia
Solution that I would recommend
First, please get a thorough veterinary examination and rule out any possible medical conditions that can be related to the condition. If it is related to the over feeding….
NOTE – this is WORK IN PROGRESS and it won’t happen overnight.
If your dog is severely, or marginally overweight, due to OVERFEEDING – please please don’t push them to exercise as it can be detrimental to their bone structure as well as their heart. With veterinary advise, please put them on Multiple Small meals plan – where you don’t starve them but give them nourishing low carb high protein small meals 7 to 8 times a day. Don’t exceed 500 – 700 grams a day for medium to large dogs, and much less for smaller breeds. (you can call me for specific breeds) You can supplement with Soup in between. Between their last meal and their first meal of the day, the gap should not be more than 10 to 12 hours. They must be protected from gastritis. Stopping their big meals can be a shock for their system so the small meals compromise as well as help burn calories.
If able to walk without help, do short walks of maybe 5 minutes twice a day within your home or garden. Outdoors is good. But ensure it is at their pace, not yours. Gradually increase the duration based on how they are performing. NOTE – do not push them !! Watch closely and if they are tired, you MUST stop.
Note – no walking on slippery tiled, or polished floors.
If the dog finds it hard to walk and you have access to a pool or water body and the dog enjoys it, please encourage them to swim but again for short time periods. You DO NOT want to tax their heart.
Generally, following the above method, could help a mobile overweight dog to become an active healthy happy dog within about 6- 8 months of the starting it. However, you must follow it diligently. Ensure you get a customized meal and exercise plan based on your dog’s health and situation. You can call us for a consultation and advise on +94777686617.
Of course, the situations will change from pet to pet, owner to owner, situation to situation, and will certainly depend on the actual health of the your loving pet. We understand there are constraints, hence we want to let you know, we are there for you, and will support you through the process.